2operate continues the growth and delivers positive results for the fiscal year ended 30 June 2020 with a turnover of TDKK 4957 (+53%) and a profit after tax of TDKK 618 (+80%).
“The result for 2019/2020 shows that we are under stable and healthy development. The positive financial figures testify that our long-term strategies, ambitions, and development activities work as intended” says Kaj Juul-Pedersen, Chairman of the Board of 2operate.
“Our progress is a result of ramping up our home market position with our 2solve OSS Performance Management and Service Classifier product portfolio now in service with TT-Netværket (the infrastructure company jointly owned by Telia and Telenor in Denmark) as a new customer, as well as we are growing organically with most of our customers. Alongside the innovation of our existing 2solve product portfolio and starting up a new R&D project to help accelerate green and sustainable transition in mobile networks, we have entered a number of dealer agreements to develop and expand our market share. We therefore still expect a positive income in 2020/21 despite COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Annual Report can be downloaded from https://data.virk.dk/